Kefir — a fermented dairy beverage with a taste similar to drinkable yoghurt — is packed with probiotics, but its tangy flavour and creamy body make it perfect for dips and dressings.
Photo by Whitney.
In addition to possessing probiotics and a great, acidic bite, kefir is also lacking in lactose (most of it is converted during fermentation), meaning some people with lactose sensitivities can partake. (In fact, some studies suggest that it can even help with symptoms.)
It can be used in pretty much any recipe that calls for un-fermented dairy. Use it in place of buttermilk, spoon for spoon, in savoury dressings and dips, or as a tart milk substitute in smoothies, lassis, or even frozen yoghurt. (Wanna get next level? Make your own!)
5 Smart Ways You Could Be Using Kefir in Your Cooking [The Kitchn]