Windows: Like many programs, Flash updates itself fairly often with new security patches, but updating is kind of a pain. Alternative Flash Player Auto-Updater does it all in the background, without your involvement, so Flash actually stays up to date and secure.
Flash only checks for updates every seven days and prompts you to download the update every time. Seven days is a long time to wait for a security patch, and we all know how annoying it is to stop what you’re doing and update your software. Furthermore, every time it updates, you have to download the Adobe Download Manager and then download the update—hardly an efficient system.
Alternative Flash Player Auto-Updater is a small application that checks for Flash updates after every reboot (or every two hours, your choice), and downloads them in the background when they become available. You can even allow the updater to try patching Flash without even asking you. It’s a handy little program that fixes a few common annoyances with Flash on Windows, and it does it without eating up a lot of memory or CPU in the process. Hit the link to check it out.
Alternative Flash Player Auto-Updater is a free download for Windows only.
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