The Latest Tips and Tricks To Get Ahead At Work And In Your Career

Don’t just go through the motions. Use our expert advice on getting out of a career rut and turning work into something you’re passionate about.

  • Everything New in Chrome 105

    Everything New in Chrome 105

    Google pumps out new software for its web browser like clockwork; so often, in fact, you might tend to tune out new versions when they become available. Don’t skip Chrome 105, though — it patches a bunch of nasty security vulnerabilities, and adds a few new features to boot.

  • There’s No Such Thing As a ‘Normal’ Body Count

    There’s No Such Thing As a ‘Normal’ Body Count

    A lot like “virginity,” a “body count” is an arbitrary metric used to define a person’s sexual experiences in a rudimentary way, simply referring to how many people someone has had sex with. It has no tangible impact on who you are as a person or how you operate in a relationship. Plus, it’s subjective:…

  • How Long Does It Really Take to Form a Habit?

    How Long Does It Really Take to Form a Habit?

    Forming a habit is a classic life hack: You want to change something about your life, so you insert a new action into your daily routine. Soon enough, it becomes automatic — that’s the dream, anyway — and then that part of your life takes care of itself. So how long does it take to…