
  • How Young Is Too Young for Kids to Lift Weights?

    How Young Is Too Young for Kids to Lift Weights?

    We’re used to seeing kids play team sports, like soccer and baseball, at a young age. And strength-based activities like climbing on monkey bars are time-honoured childhood pastimes. But somehow, lifting weights looks wrong to many of us when kids are the ones doing it. But how young is too young to pick up a…

  • Why You Need to Lift Weights If You Play a Sport

    Why You Need to Lift Weights If You Play a Sport

    It’s no secret that professional athletes hit the weight room hard. If you search YouTube for your favourite (male) athlete’s name, plus “workout” or “gym,” you can probably find video evidence of them crushing a 225 kg deadlift or pressing huge kettlebells like they’re nothing. But that kind of training is overkill for beer league…

  • How to Hook Grip a Barbell

    How to Hook Grip a Barbell

    As we’ve discussed before, there are three ways to hold onto a barbell if you’re worried your grip is going to slip. You can use straps, you can face your palms in different directions (mixed grip), or you can hook grip it. A hook grip is more secure than mixed, but one thing scares many…

  • What To Lift When You Don’t Have A Barbell

    What To Lift When You Don’t Have A Barbell

    I hope everybody’s having fun in the deadlift challenge, but if you’re not, is it because you don’t have a barbell to lift? We covered some dumbbell and bodyweight alternatives last week (the trick is to do the deadlifts on one leg), but here are some more options for when you still want to lift…