weight lifting

  • All The Different Bars At The Gym, Explained

    The first step in lifting a barbell is loading weight plates onto the bar. At some gyms, there’s only one type of bar, and it weighs 20 kilos, and that’s all you need to know. But that’s not the only type out there, and if your gym has different bars of different shapes and weights,…

  • Why Deadlifting With Hex Plates Feels Like Hell On Earth

    If you went home for the holidays and visited a local gym to break a sweat, you probably know by now that not all gyms are created equal. Some are shitty by nature, filled with old, rusty weights and uneven flooring. But even at a perfectly new and well-equipped gym, things can sometimes just feel…

  • Use These Apps For Tracking Strength Workouts

    Use These Apps For Tracking Strength Workouts

    There are plenty of great apps to keep track of your running mileage, and a clear winner when it comes to cycling (Strava, duh). But it’s a bit harder to pick a winner when you’re lifting in the gym. Until recently, all the apps were clunky and hard to use. Now… well, only some of…