weekly upgrades
If You Tire Out Your Cat, It Won’t Pester You So Much At Night
When last we corralled the Lifehacker staff’s Weekly Upgrades, our editors were exploring new podcasts, giving money to Apple, and finding ways to get along better with an ornery cat.
It’s Probably Time You Bought Better Headphones
When we last rounded up our staff’s Weekly Upgrades, our editors were re-thinking our approaches to cleaning, trying new cocktails, improving our makeup routines, and tricking out our outdoor equipment.
Stop Skimping On Exercise
When we last rounded up our staff’s Weekly Upgrades, our editors were checking out e-books from the library, banishing gross toilet brushes from our bathrooms, exploring new cities, and feathering our nests with new bedding.
Pickle Red Onions And Put Them On Everything
When we last rounded up our staff’s Weekly Upgrades, our editors were going all-in on subscription services, experimenting with new meditation models, adding extra exercise into our routines, and exploring the world of Batman pyjamas.