
  • How to Play PS5 in 1440p

    How to Play PS5 in 1440p

    For most gamers, the PS5 is an easy setup. You plug it into your TV, it figures out whether you have a 1080p or 4K display, and presto: modern gaming at your fingertips. However, those of us who game on a 1440p monitor rather than a TV may be frustrated by Sony’s lack of support…

  • 10 Simple Ways to Make a Small Room Look Bigger

    10 Simple Ways to Make a Small Room Look Bigger

    Your living space may be smaller than you want it to be…but it doesn’t have to look that way. There are several relatively easy to grasp design principles — centering around the concepts of scale, light, and movement — you can employ to trick the eye into perceiving a greater sense of space.