
  • Four Bodyweight Alternatives To A Deadlift

    Four Bodyweight Alternatives To A Deadlift

    Whenever I don’t have access to a gym because of travels, I start to miss certain movements. Deadlifts are one of them. I never thought I could benefit from them without heavy weight, but thankfully, Al Kavadlo proves that you can still build those important back muscles with body weight only.

  • What To Focus On As You Learn To Squat

    What To Focus On As You Learn To Squat

    Squatting seems so complicated when somebody is telling you all the things that can go wrong — knees behind toes! Butt farther down! Head up! But not too up! If you’re following our challenge, you’re probably doing a lot more squats than you ever have before, so let’s talk about how we’re doing them.