Spider Season Is Coming – These Are the Species to Be Worried About
Alright folks. Prepare yourselves because this topic is a gnarly one. With the weather heating up, it’s all but expected that spiders are going to be coming out to play a little more often. According to Lizzy Lowe, Postdoctoral researcher at Macquarie University and Samantha Nixon, PhD of The University of Queensland, who wrote a…
Eight Reasons You Shouldn’t Kill Spiders
For some people spiders have been a source of fear for years. But in reality, they deserve to instil a sense of amazement. There are plenty of reasons to love and not hate spiders, but let’s start with just eight.
Today I Discovered The Ten-Legged, Screaming Spider From Hell
The camel spider is a type of Arachnid found in most deserts around the world (with the exception of Australia, thank God.) They are notable for having ten limbs, the biggest jaws of any Arachnid and the ability to grow to distressingly large sizes. Oh yeah, and they literally scream while chasing down prey.
Do You Want Ants? Or Why You Shouldn’t Kill Huntsman Spiders
Spiders aren’t the most popular of creatures, especially in Australia where a lot of them can kill you (or at least, cause a great deal of pain). But one you don’t have to fear, despite its intimidating appearance, is the humble huntsman, or sparassid. In fact, they can help keep pests in your abode under…