Why Do Some People Lose Their Accents While Others Don’t?
The way a person speaks is an intrinsic part of their identity. It’s tribal, marking a speaker as being from one social group or another. Accents are a sign of belonging as much as something that separates communities. Yet we can probably all think of examples of people who seem to have “lost” their regional…
How To Give A Great Speech
When you’re preparing a speech, says marketer Seth Godin, “Don’t memorise your talk. Memorise your stories. Ten stories make a talk.”
Memorise Speeches And Presentations Easier Using This App
Memorising things, especially long things like speeches and presentations, can be pretty difficult to do. Like all things, practice makes perfect. However, unless you have a pal around to help you with all that practice it’s easy for you to slip up while you’re practising and miss parts, or not get the whole memorisation thing…
How To Give A Speech Like Oprah
We all listened to Oprah’s acceptance speech for the Cecil B. de Mille Award? Yes? Good. Did you notice how even though she’s Oprah, and could probably make us cry by reading a takeaway menu backward, she put a ton of work into her speech? And how through that work, she took a celebration of…