Become A Man’s Man With These 65 Life Hacks From Goldman Sachs
101Investment banking firm Goldman Sachs has published a list of bite-sized tips designed to turn you into the ultimate man. (Apparently, a healthy dose of sexism towards women is a pre-requisite.)
Making Fun Weekend Plans Can Actually Ruin Your Weekend
Have you ever found yourself dreading a leisurely activity you had eagerly scheduled days or weeks in advance?
If You Want To Be More Likeable, Start Having Fun
Being likeable and charismatic is a learned art form like any other. However, there’s one easy shortcut to a magnetic personality: start having fun.
Build Trust By Volunteering Information You Don’t Have To Share
There’s more to being honest than simply never telling a lie. If you want to build trust with those around you, be ready to share information that you don’t necessarily have to.