
  • The Easiest Way to Get Garlic Smell Off Your Hands

    The Easiest Way to Get Garlic Smell Off Your Hands

    Garlic stinks. But, hey, that’s why we love it so much. This pungent allium flavors sauces, intensifies condiments, and adds complexity to marinades, but it has a nasty habit of leaving its fragrance behind, particularly on human hands. Whenever I mince these oily cloves, the robust aroma seemingly clings to my fingernails for days. Or…

  • How to Unclog the Dishwasher Yourself

    How to Unclog the Dishwasher Yourself

    If you have a houseful of guests, or are engaged in a holiday baking marathon, a clogged dishwasher can really slow down your operation. Hand washing all your dishes uses more time and water than using your appliance — but getting a professional out to look at your dishwasher during the holidays can be hard…