sensory processing disorder

  • Why Toddlers Hit Themselves, and What to Do About It

    Why Toddlers Hit Themselves, and What to Do About It

    We’ve talked recently about what to do if your toddler is hitting or biting. Although you certainly hoped your sweet kiddo wouldn’t be the hitting or biting type, you were probably also aware that these are common things many toddlers do out of frustration, for attention, or because they lack the communication skills necessary to…

  • How To Find The Perfect Halloween Costume For Kids With Disabilities

    For parents of kids with disabilities, autism spectrum disorder or sensory issues, Halloween can come with not only the usual obstacles of loud noises, special effects and unusual lighting, but also with the very real challenge of finding a costume that is functional, comfortable and fun. But there are more options and inspiration out there…

  • How To Tell The Difference Between A Tantrum And A Sensory Meltdown

    How To Tell The Difference Between A Tantrum And A Sensory Meltdown

    As even the most mild-tempered kids will occasionally lose their crap in the lolly aisle or while leaving the playground, most parents have dealt with a tantrum or two. We’ve all developed our own personal strategies for dealing: Ignoring, giving timeouts or placating. But what if your kid’s freak-out isn’t a standard tantrum? What if…