pull up

  • Discover Your Perfect Pullup Variation

    Discover Your Perfect Pullup Variation

    Pulling yourself from arm’s length up to a horizontal bar is a phenomenal exercise for your back, your arms, and your core. But there’s more than one way to do it, and I’m not just talking about the fact that “pullups” and “chinups” are technically two different exercises. There are countless variations to make the…

  • Reddit’s Beloved No-Weights Workout Is Famous for a Reason

    Reddit’s Beloved No-Weights Workout Is Famous for a Reason

    It’s not easy to strength train without weights. Once you’re able to do full pushups by the dozens, for example, they’re training your endurance more than building your strength. And while moves like pull-ups provide more of a challenge, they’re often impossible for beginners. But there’s a workout that covers the whole spectrum, and it’s…