
  • Do You Use Contactless Payments?

    In its full-year results announcement yesterday, the Commonwealth Bank revealed that 20 per cent of its card transactions were now made with contactless payment systems. Are you on board with the convenience of tapping your card and paying instantly, or are you still hanging back?

  • Do You Use A Fitness Tracker?

    Do You Use A Fitness Tracker?

    It wasn’t that long ago that using technology as part of your fitness routine meant an odometer and perhaps a spreadsheet. Though both of those are still useful, fitness trackers have come a long way. Do you use one?

  • Do You Use A Password Manager?

    Do You Use A Password Manager?

    Security best practice is to create a unique, complex password for every service you use. Unless you only use a handful of services, that becomes burdensome pretty quickly. Some people settle for reusing their password (or creating weaker, but easier-to-remember passwords) while others use a password manager to help them keep track. How about you?