How to Take Your Kid’s School Pictures at Home
The pandemic has taken so much from us — but do you know what it doesn’t have to take? Our kid’s awkwardly posed school pictures (complete with traditional blue or grey background), that’s what.
How To Move Your Photos From Flickr To Another Service
Flickr isn’t going away, but a lot of your photos will be if you don’t follow its new limitations: 1,000 photos, period. These photos can be any size you want, but you only get a thousand of them. The era of the free terabyte of Flickr storage is coming to an end.
Three Tricks To Get The Most Out Of A Cheap Kit Camera Lens
The lens you use with your camera plays a huge part in determining the quality of photos you get, but a lot of casual photographers don’t want to invest in expensive lenses and stick to whatever comes with the camera. Here are a few ways to eke out a little more functionality out of a…
GoldenHour.One Tells You The Perfect Time And Place To Take Photos
iOS: We all know that golden hour is the hour before sunset and the hour after sunrise when lighting is great for photography. There’s a bit more nuance to it than that, and this app helps photographers optimise golden hour to get the best possible pics.