physical sciences

  • 10 Sizzling Sunscreen Tips for a Burn-Free Summer

    10 Sizzling Sunscreen Tips for a Burn-Free Summer

    After more than a year of feeling endlessly cooped up, we’re emerging from our pandemic isolation to do all the things we once took for granted. All of that means being out in the sunshine, which feels glorious after a long, dark, lonely winter; but it also means we need to get back in the regular…

  • Should You Stir in Circles or Straight Lines?

    Should You Stir in Circles or Straight Lines?

    Many years ago, I saw — or at least I think I saw — an article that claimed stirring a pot of food using straight, back-and-forth motions was more effective than stirring in circles. I cannot find the original article I either saw or imagined, but at least one other person also saw or imagined…

  • What Your Salt Cravings May Be Trying to Tell You

    What Your Salt Cravings May Be Trying to Tell You

    Salt is an essential nutrient. Our body requires a small amount of sodium every day in order to maintain the proper fluid balance, as well as keep our nerves and muscles functioning properly. Over the course of human history, we’ve usually had a hard time getting enough salt, for which cravings have been helpful, as…