
  • SMART Goals Are Overrated

    SMART Goals Are Overrated

    If you want to set a goal, it should be a “S.M.A.R.T.,” the standard advice goes (even ours!). Specific, Measurable, something, something, Time-bound. There’s disagreement on what some of the letters stand for, which is our first hint that maybe they’re not that important. It turns out the SMART goal framework doesn’t encompass all the…

  • Rebuild Your Self-Confidence With These Habits

    Rebuild Your Self-Confidence With These Habits

    Harvard Health Publishing reported that self-confidence rises and falls in a bell curve: As you get older, self-confidence increases, peaks at age 60, and then begins to decline. The publication reported on self-confidence based on a full lifetime, but self-confidence fluctuates. You might lose confidence after failing on a project at school or work, for…

  • What to Do When You’re Bored of Your Home Workout

    What to Do When You’re Bored of Your Home Workout

    It’s been over six months since gyms first closed, and if you never returned, you’re probably pretty sick of pushups and chipper YouTube workout instructors by now. Maybe you already fell off the wagon and are wondering how you can motivate yourself to climb back on.

  • 16 Ways To Keep Sleep At Bay (Without Coffee)

    16 Ways To Keep Sleep At Bay (Without Coffee)

    If you’re anticipating a late night and don’t want to resort to hard drugs or caffeine, this infographic contains bunch of clever ways to keep yourself more alert, ranging from sniffing peppermint oil to various acupressure techniques.