martial arts

  • Why You Can (And Should) Start Learning Martial Arts Later in Life

    Why You Can (And Should) Start Learning Martial Arts Later in Life

    In the western world, martial arts tends to be defined by stereotypes: People who train are either eight year olds learning Karate kicks, or bloodthirsty brawlers who hope to compete in the Ultimate Fighting Championship. But the notions that define mainstream popular conceptions of the martial arts aren’t true, and there are plenty of reasons…

  • Do Martial Arts Classes Actually Help Your Kid To Fight?

    Since the karate craze of the 1970s, countless armies of kids have punched, kicked, and yelled “hi YAH!” at suburban dojos and community centre martial arts classes across the country. Martial arts training fosters discipline, encourages physical fitness and gets your kid out of your hair for a couple of hours a week. But as…