
  • Stop Using The ‘Sandwich Method’ To Give Feedback

    Stop Using The ‘Sandwich Method’ To Give Feedback

    The “sandwich” method of feedback, where you squish criticism between compliments to smooth it over, is played out and everyone knows it. Most of us cringe when we hear someone suggest it, and even when it works, it’s obvious. Adam Grant, author and professor, says it’s time to just give it up, and we agree.

  • How To Be A Good Listener When Someone Needs To Vent

    How To Be A Good Listener When Someone Needs To Vent

    Letting someone vent off their frustrations makes you a good friend, a caring family member, and a comforting significant other. Being a good listener, however, often requires a little more effort than nodding your head while they rant. You need to make the people you care about feel comfortable, understood, and validated.