
  • How To Train Consistently Without Losing Motivation

    I lift. A lot. I’m at the gym usually six days a week, and I find an excuse to compete every couple of months. While it’s fine (and maybe even healthier) for exercise to be a casual thing, committing hard to an athletic pursuit often requires some rejiggering of your life to be able to…

  • How To Join A Group Fitness Class Alone

    When you suffer from social anxiety or just generally dislike being around people sometimes, going to the gym can feel pretty uncomfortable. You might make accidental eye contact with strangers in mirrors or exchange head nods of mutual acknowledgment with that one person who spotted you on the bench press several months ago. It’s all…

  • Why You Need Form Check Videos

    Learning a lift takes time. Whether you’re perfecting your deadlift or trying to learn how to snatch, videos can help you understand where you are on that journey. Weeks or months from now, you’ll wish you had a better record of how you learned, so get out that tripod.