
  • How To Cauterise An Open Wound Without Dying [Video]

    In the ultra-macho action flick Rambo III, there’s a famous scene where the titular hero seals a gaping shrapnel wound by cauterising it with fire and gun powder. Awesome, eh? But how feasible is this DIY surgery in reality? This video from The Medicine Journal explains the circumstances where it might not be such a…

  • Which Occupation Is Australia’s Most Deadly?

    “Kill me now,” is an oft-repeated phrase in stressful workplaces — but which occupation is actually the most likely to cause fatal injury? Here’s a list of the most deadly industries in Australia between 2012 and 2013. If your job is near the top, it might be time for a career change…

  • Quad Bike Deaths: Common And Costly

    Australian quad bike fatalities are on the rise each year — and the loss of human capital is costing our economy hundreds of millions of dollars, according to new research findings. The report also breaks down the most death-prone age groups; with the elderly topping the list.