
  • How to Quit ‘Revenge Spending’

    How to Quit ‘Revenge Spending’

    With the never-ending prospect of a recession looming, it seems the one true certainty is that we all need to make peace with living with uncertainty. But uncertainty breeds anxiety. At the onset of the pandemic, many of us responded to our anxieties by cutting back on spending. But as time as passed, that restrictive…

  • How to Tell If Your Cat’s Teeth Are Hurting

    How to Tell If Your Cat’s Teeth Are Hurting

    Maintaining healthy teeth is obviously important for us, but the same is also true for our cats. Although we may not think about a cat’s dental health quite as often as ours — and attempting to brush their teeth can be its own battle — cats can develop their own dental issues, including abscessed teeth,…

  • What Is Marburg Virus (and How Much Should I Worry About It)?

    What Is Marburg Virus (and How Much Should I Worry About It)?

    The World Health Organisation recently met to discuss an outbreak of Marburg virus in Equatorial Guinea, in Africa. The virus is related to Ebola and has no known cure. So far the outbreak is small, and scientists are rushing to deploy experimental vaccines and medicines. Here’s what you should know about it.

  • How to Care for Your Dog or Cat in Their Old Age

    How to Care for Your Dog or Cat in Their Old Age

    Caring for an ageing pet is both lower-stress and higher-stress than raising a puppy or kitten. On the one hand, older pets tend to prefer napping to climbing the walls or sprinting around the house like a maniac; on the other, they’re at higher risk for serious health issues, and it can be hard to…