
  • 10 Things That Lose Value As Soon As You Buy Them

    10 Things That Lose Value As Soon As You Buy Them

    Our entire economy would collapse if everything retained its value after we bought it, but that doesn’t make it any easier to look at the nearly worthless computer I paid top dollar for a decade ago. Used things losing their value may be necessary for capitalism to function, but it can still be stunning how…

  • The Difference Between Investing and Speculating (and Why It Matters)

    The Difference Between Investing and Speculating (and Why It Matters)

    You could say the difference between investing and speculation is simply a matter of risk tolerance, with speculation being closer to gambling. The truth, though, is that there’s no clear cut line between them, as all investing carries risk. Still, there are differences worth knowing about, no matter what your financial goals might be.