
  • Pilots Share Their Favourite US Airport Food

    Pilots Share Their Favourite US Airport Food

    If I find myself stuck in a US airport, I usually use the opportunity to eat something truly terrible for me like a vat of Popeye’s red beans and rice or a giant Cinnabon. But if you travel to the US frequently, gorging on fast food isn’t going to cut it. Luckily, these friendly pilots…

  • Do Less Damage To The Planet When You Fly

    Do Less Damage To The Planet When You Fly

    Even if you regularly eschew meat-eating and take public transportation, all your efforts at reducing your carbon footprint can be easily outweighed by indulging in one of the other biggest individual contributions to climate change: Flying. Most advice on lowering your carbon footprint notes that flying is bad, and stops there. But The New York Times…