
  • How to Actually Enjoy Treadmill Running This Winter

    How to Actually Enjoy Treadmill Running This Winter

    Running is invigorating: feeling the wind moving through your hair, your body connecting with the earth beneath your feet, a chance to take stock of the world that moves around you and the world that moves within you. Unless, of course, the weather sucks. Then it’s time to book it indoors and hit everyone’s “favourite”…

  • Is the ‘Nocebo Effect’ Hurting Your Health Goals?

    Is the ‘Nocebo Effect’ Hurting Your Health Goals?

    Many of us have no problem checking in on the status of our New Year’s resolutions to “walk more” or “sleep better,” and it’s all thanks to our trusty Fitbits, Apple Watches, and other wrist-sized fitness gadgets. At any moment of the day, you can look to your wrist and have access to your health…