
  • 25 of the Most Badass Movie Squads of All Time

    25 of the Most Badass Movie Squads of All Time

    It’s certainly overused, but that’s because there are few more satisfying tropes in movies than the bit about “assembling the team.” These movies lay out a goal, introduce the protagonist with the most personal connection to that goal (whether it’s a convoluted heist, a military strike, or a humanitarian mission), and then put together a…

  • 24 Fake Fan-Made Trailers Better Than Real Movies

    24 Fake Fan-Made Trailers Better Than Real Movies

    When it comes to marketing, the multi-bajillion dollar budgets of nearly every tentpole theatrical release of the past decade or so have left little room for experimentation, or often any fun. There are still great, thrilling trailers made for Hollywood movies, but there’s also a sameyness that creeps in, with coming attractions often feeling as…