
  • 12 of the Worst Biopics of All Time (and 12 to Watch Instead)

    12 of the Worst Biopics of All Time (and 12 to Watch Instead)

    Andrew Dominik’s NC-17 Blonde has faced controversy since its inception: for its rating, for its source material (a highly fictionalized Joyce Carol Oates novel), and later for interviews with its director. A lot of things can sink a biopic: pedestrian plotting; bad performances; bad makeup; etc., but sometimes reasonably good or even great movies fail…

  • 23 of the Greatest University Movies of All Time

    23 of the Greatest University Movies of All Time

    It’s an emotional time of year. Many young adults are headed off to university for the first time, eliciting the mix of tremendous excitement and apprehension that comes with crossing any of life’s major thresholds. Some parents are despondent at the thought of seeing their kids off, while just as many can’t wait to get…