
  • Be Fashionably Late With the Help of These Two Cocktails

    Be Fashionably Late With the Help of These Two Cocktails

    I take forever to get ready, and I’m chronically late. I don’t like these two facts about me, but facts they are. It’s gotten to the point where even my dream life has been impacted; I can’t tell you how many movie premieres, clandestine meetings with revolutionaries, private jet trips to exotic places, and (my…

  • Drink Away Your Sadness With A ‘Bitter Tears’

    My favourite nightcap is 30ml or so of Fernet, over ice, with a pinch of salt, but that drink signals the end of a good evening, not the start (or even the middle) of one. I want to be salty all night long — from beginning to the bitter end — so I decided to…