
  • English Makes No Sense. At All.

    The other day I overheard a conversation that began with, “I’m not racist but…” Bad start. It followed with a bog-standard conversation about how people who move to this country should drop everything and dedicate all of their time and energy into learning to speak English. IMMEDIATELY. Sure, learn to speak English. But here’s a…

  • Why You Shouldn’t Write Late At Night [Infographic]

    Why You Shouldn’t Write Late At Night [Infographic]

    Whether it’s catching up on email, or working on a novel, the early morning or late hours of the night is when a lot of people finally start pecking their keyboard. But if you can help it, skip the late night sessions and save yourself some embarrassing mistakes and editing.

  • Why Americans Spell English Words Differently

    Have you ever wondered why Americans and British/Aussies spell English differently? How are colour and colour the same word? Centre and center? What’s up with that? It’s all thanks to Noah Webster (yeah, the Webster of Merriam-Webster). When America gained independence, Webster wanted to simplify unreasonable spellings that were handed down from the British.