english grammar

  • You’re Wrong About ‘Less’ vs. ‘Fewer’ ?

    You’re Wrong About ‘Less’ vs. ‘Fewer’ ?

    Have you ever seen that sign at the grocery store counter that reads “ten items or less” and sputtered, “It should say ‘ten items or fewer!’” and had your monocle fall off in a spasm of self-righteousness? Well, don’t call the manager yet, Professor English, because it’s not that simple. I’m gonna blow your mind…

  • 10 Common English Idioms and Their Weird Historical Origins

    10 Common English Idioms and Their Weird Historical Origins

    If there’s one thing most people take for granted, it’s the language they grew up speaking. The words we use and their respective meanings are the product of centuries of linguistic evolution that we rarely consider. Today, much of our social interaction is characterised by turns of phrase that would seem completely nonsensical if not…