Why It Makes Good Business Sense for Your Employer to Look After Your Mental Health
In any given year, about one in five people will experience a mental health problem or illness. Fortunately, many employers have gradually come to realise that supporting mental health in the workplace is an important part of their role. This makes sense not just for reasons of your own wellbeing as an employee. There is…
What To Do When You’ve Been Underpaid At Work
Most people’s lives revolve around wages and being paid on time and with the right amount of money. Sometimes, as shown with recent revelations from Woolworths, Subway, and MasterChef Australia‘s George Calombaris, that doesn’t happen and employees are left being owed money without even realising it. Here are some steps the Fairwork Ombudsman recommends if…
What Your Employer Should Be Doing To Support Your Mental Health
Photo via VisualHunt.com We spend almost half of our waking hours at work (how’s that for a depressing thought?) so if your workplace is stressful, or if it’s full of bullies and harassers, your mental health can suffer. For World Mental Health Day, the World Health Organisation put this together so your employer knows how…