
  • Hide Your Inbox While You’re Doing Email

    Hide Your Inbox While You’re Doing Email

    Every time I go to write an email, I get distracted by my inbox. I check all my new mail, and I put off the actual task I opened Gmail for. None of that new email was urgent, but I couldn’t ignore all those bold lines. So now I hide my inbox with Inbox When…

  • Google Is Killing Inbox – Here Are Some Alternatives

    Bad news for fans of innovative email systems: Inbox by Gmail is shutting down, less than four years after it first saw the light of day. If you’re a deeply invested Inbox user, where can you find the same sorts of features and tools beyond next March? We’ve got some ideas.

  • What Messages From Your Boss Really Mean 

    Video: If you work from home, you know how important it is to stay connected with your boss and coworkers via email and chat programs such as Slack. The trouble is, text-only communication can leave a lot up to the imagination in terms of tone. Is your online boss really a jerk who hates everything…