draftfabric treatment

  • All the Things You Didn’t Know Dish Soap Can Clean

    All the Things You Didn’t Know Dish Soap Can Clean

    We all know the glories of dish soap when used to fight hardened food, grease, and grime on our plates, pots, and utensils (y’all love your Dawn). But are you aware of its myriad potential other uses around the house? From stain-lifting to fruit fly control, behold the many blessed miracles of liquid dish detergent.

  • Is Laundry Stripping a Bunch of Baloney?

    Is Laundry Stripping a Bunch of Baloney?

    Laundry stripping is a method of removing detergent buildup, as well as any fabric softeners, body oils, or hard-water minerals that have built up in your clothes over time. Although laundry stripping is a long-standing technique, it’s been in the spotlight again due to some viral social media videos. And although there are times when…