Start Each Week With This Digital Decluttering Method
It’s well-established that physical clutter impairs your productivity and focus, so you should try to tidy up your desk and surroundings as often as possible — but you should also start applying that practice to your desktop. So much of our lives takes place on the phone and computer, so a cluttered digital space is…
The Best Ways To Store Stuffed Animals
It’s a go-to gift from so many well-meaning folks. They’re soft! They’re fluffy! They’re cute! But before you know it, your child has approximately 147 stuffed animals—toys that defy stacking, that can really only be heaped precariously until the slightest nudge sends the whole mountain avalanching down.
iPhone Boxes Make The Best Marie Kondo-Style Storage Boxes
Earlier this year, after watching the entire season of Tidying Up With Marie Kondo with the rest of the clutter-prone world, I had one impassioned takeaway: Boxes. I needed those storage boxes.
The Manga Version Of The Life-Changing Magic Of Cleaning Up Is Getting Teens To Actually Declutter
Marie Kondo has built an empire around her “life-changing” method of tidying up, inspiring millions to quit the cruelty of rolling socks into balls and start the practice of thanking inanimate household objects that spark joy. She’s now reaching a new audience: Graphic novel fans.