dating apps

  • These Are the Hottest Emojis Aussies Are Flirting With

    These Are the Hottest Emojis Aussies Are Flirting With

    Have you ever used emojis to flirt with someone on a dating app? Maybe a cheeky eggplant emoji or a classic winky face? Well, according to Bumble’s research, turns out a lot of people use emojis when they are trying to flirt. I must say that I’m guilty of using a couple of emojis when…

  • Why Do People Behave So Badly on Dating Apps?

    Why Do People Behave So Badly on Dating Apps?

    There’s no doubt that online dating and dating apps have transformed the way we initiate, form and end romantic relationships. We might also question whether the convenience of these apps has encouraged us to behave differently than we would in “real life”. More specifically, do mobile dating apps breed bad or antisocial behaviour? If you…