
  • You Don’t Need a Pie Bird

    You Don’t Need a Pie Bird

    Checking a pie for doneness can be a tricky business. This is especially true for double crust pies (because everything’s hidden on the inside). Taking your pastry wrapped parcel out of the oven before it’s cooked through can lead to watery or raw results, and you may have found yourself considering a tool like a…

  • Don’t Roll Out Your Pie Crusts and Do This Instead

    Don’t Roll Out Your Pie Crusts and Do This Instead

    Rolling out a flaky pie crust is a pain in the arse. It’s temperature sensitive, needs beauty rest in the fridge, and even under the best conditions, it might crack under pressure. Well, good news: You never need roll out another pie crust. You can stop the precarious transfer of dough from counter to pie…

  • You Should Make Smaller Pies This Holiday Season

    You Should Make Smaller Pies This Holiday Season

    As a baker, the holiday season is an opportunity to experiment with all the pie ideas I’ve been wanting to try. Unfortunately, I always end up making far more pies than I need. I’m a big fan of variety, and I know that while some folks live for sweet potato, others need pecan, and it’s…