
  • Why a ‘Cheap’ IKEA Kitchen Is Actually Expensive

    Why a ‘Cheap’ IKEA Kitchen Is Actually Expensive

    The average kitchen reno costs about $25,000, with a high end closer to $40,000. The cost depends on a lot of factors, from your geographic location (it’s a lot cheaper in the South, for example) to your taste and the size of your kitchen. Still, no matter how you slice it, renovating a kitchen is…

  • How to ‘Upcycle’ Furniture, Because That Shit’s Expensive

    How to ‘Upcycle’ Furniture, Because That Shit’s Expensive

    Upcycling furniture can add original flair to your space while keeping furniture out of the landfill — a real win-win, especially when you remember how expensive it is to buy new furniture, and how much of it isn’t built to last unless you’re willing to pay top dollar. (And maybe even then…) If you go…

  • Declutter Your Kitchen With the ‘One Shelf Method’

    Declutter Your Kitchen With the ‘One Shelf Method’

    Whether it’s from too many items of sentimental value or you just haven’t thrown things out in a while, decluttering can be hard. When a kitchen gets cluttered, though, it can be even worse than a crowded closet or garage because it starts to affect the functionality of a space you use multiple times a…