
  • How To Decide Whether To Accept A Job Offer

    You’ve been approached about a new gig — but it’s complicated. You’d be happy to stick with your longtime employer, but you’re not sure if that’s realistic, and your spouse doesn’t want you to relocate. Here’s how to think of this decision as an opportunity, not a chore.

  • Your Life Hack Is Just Having Staff

    Your Life Hack Is Just Having Staff

    Image via Wikimedia Commons I’m going to pick on a story I saw in the Wall Street Journal, but only because it’s typical of a whole genre of advice offered by rich and powerful people, most of them white men. It’s a 2016 first-person essay by Brian Scudamore, the creator of 1-800-GOT-JUNK, called “Why This…

  • Tell Us About Your Worst Boss

    Tell Us About Your Worst Boss

    We want to hear about your worst boss. You know the one: the blowhard who talked over you at every meeting; the unhinged lunatic who expected you to answer emergency texts at 3am; the so-called “genius” who couldn’t help but scream at everyone because she was just so darn passionate. Or maybe the one who…