You Really Need to Stop Confessing Your Crimes Online
If you’re online, you’ve probably been witness to a crime. I’m not referring to the crime of being cringe — I’m talking about people who openly post incriminating information on social media.
Classic Hacks: How To Anonymise Your Phone Number When Making A Call
It’s not just sinister creepers who want to hide their phone number from recipients. Perhaps you’re buying something over the phone and don’t want the business’ marketing department to have your contact details. Or maybe you’re arranging a first date and aren’t entirely sure about the guy yet. Whatever the reason, here’s how to stop…
Ask LH: How Can I Stop My ISP From Tracking My Every Move?
Dear Lifehacker, The recent kerfuffle over Telstra storing everyone’s mobile browsing history has renewed my worries over how much information my internet service provider (ISP) has about my online activity. How concerned should I be, and how can I ensure they don’t see everything I do? Thanks, Paranoid Browser
Build A Pirate Box For Mobile And Secure File Sharing
PirateBox is a self-contained file sharing device that blankets the area around it with an anonymous and secure file sharing network. Build one and set up a free and anonymous wireless network wherever you go.