Tim Donnelly

  • How To Keep Track Of Your Gross Household Sponges

    How To Keep Track Of Your Gross Household Sponges

    The sponge is possibly the grossest thing in your house. I say this as someone who regularly comes home from holding a train pole and immediately eats finger food (it’s builds character!), but still the sponge disgusts me. It is, by nature, a festering cesspool of germs, a wet thing used to clean dirty things…

  • How To Tell If You’re Mansplaining

    How To Tell If You’re Mansplaining

    Mansplaining has become one of the defining phenomena of the 21st century, and its pedantic tentacles touch everything from the last US presidential campaign to online riffs about how women just can’t “get” Rick and Morty. While we’ve come a long way towards naming and shaming the mansplainers in our midst, on the flip side…