Sarah Basford Canales

Sarah Basford Canales was a writer for Gizmodo Australia, covering a range of topics including tech issues, tech regulation, science and the environment.
  • Avoid Work Burnout With These Science-Backed Tips

    Avoid Work Burnout With These Science-Backed Tips

    If you’re struggling to switch off from work even if the day’s over and you’re headed to bed, it’s a telling sign you’re struggling to achieve work-life balance. To help your overall well-being, here are some tips to avoid a burnout without disrupting your professional life. Everyone’s roles ebb and flow a bit in the…

  • Could Melbourne’s Outbreak Reach Other Australian Cities?

    Could Melbourne’s Outbreak Reach Other Australian Cities?

    Melbourne’s recent coronavirus outbreak serves as an important reminder that Australia’s fight with contagious virus is not yet over. The questions many are considering is whether the outbreak will spread nationally or if it could happen to other cities too as restrictions ease elsewhere. The reality is it’s hard to say with certainty. July was…

  • The Best Performing Video Chat Services, According to the ACCC

    The Best Performing Video Chat Services, According to the ACCC

    Many office workers have had to adjust to new working arrangements due to the impact of coronavirus. Principally, that has meant a heavy reliance on video chat and conferencing services. Australia’s consumer law regulator, the ACCC, has released a new report highlighting which service has worked best so far. The ACCC’s first Critical Service report…