Leo Babauta

  • Filter Out The Noise

    Filter Out The Noise

    It can seem like our lives are filled with busyness, noise, distractions and often meaningless activities. What if we could filter out all that noise, and focus on the meaningful? What if we could find stillness instead of constant distraction?

  • What Productivity Systems Won’t Solve

    What Productivity Systems Won’t Solve

    If you’re like me, you’re always looking for the perfect productivity system. Unfortunately, it doesn’t exist. The problem isn’t with the productivity systems — the problem is what no system can solve: Procrastination, the fear of uncertainty and the fear of discomfort.

  • Streamline The ‘Interface’ Of Your Life To Get More Done

    Streamline The ‘Interface’ Of Your Life To Get More Done

    Whenever you use a smart phone or a website, you’re using an user interface. It has been designed to help you do what you want: check your messages, read an article, find information, get stuff done. The routines with which we go about our daily lives are like an interface too. We just don’t often…

  • Seven Strategies For Dealing With Toxic People

    Seven Strategies For Dealing With Toxic People

    Are there people who constantly criticise you, tell you that you can’t do things, make you feel bad about yourself, even yell at you? These are toxic people. Dealing with them is never easy, but it’s such a difficult problem that it’s worth looking at some strategies you might consider.