windows shell
You Can Get Rid of Windows Bloatware With One Command
Windows has always had a bloatware problem (even if Samsung has recently claimed the crown in that department). Bloatware is an umbrella term for apps, services, and programs you don’t need, and never asked for, and Windows comes preinstalled with a boatload of them.
You Can Gain Admin Privileges to Any Windows Machine by Plugging in a Razer Mouse
Not all users are equal in Windows. Without administrator access, you can use the computer, but you aren’t allowed to install certain apps or perform commands, and you’re generally blocked from full control of the machine. But right now, you can grant yourself SYSTEM privileges on any Windows 10 machine simply by plugging in a…
Get Windows 10’s New Folder Icons Without Installing a Beta
Microsoft is changing up the legacy icons of its popular operating system. You’ve already seen some of these changes hit classic Windows 10 apps like Mail and Calculator, but up next are new icons for File Explorer’s folders.