
  • How Often Do You Really Need to Wash Your Hair?

    How Often Do You Really Need to Wash Your Hair?

    For a while there during the pandemic, TikTok hair gurus were recommending the “no ‘poo” movement, encouraging followers to go without washing for as long as possible to reset the natural balance of oils on their scalp or something like that. (That’s not how it works; hair oils are controlled by hormones, not outside factors.)…

  • You’re Probably Using Too Much Laundry Detergent

    You’re Probably Using Too Much Laundry Detergent

    When you put a load of especially dirty, sweaty, or smelly laundry in your washing machine, you may be tempted to add a little (or a lot) more than the recommended amount of detergent. In theory, this makes sense: Filthier-than-usual laundry could probably use a boost with extra detergent, right?

  • Why Your Washing Machine is Shaking, and How to Fix It

    Why Your Washing Machine is Shaking, and How to Fix It

    The first time you hear it, the noise can be jarring. Seemingly out of nowhere, it sounds like a helicopter is landing on your roof, or a freight train is about to come barreling through your wall and into your home. The room — and its contents — may shake the way they would during…

  • How to Pee on a Plane Without Being Disgusted

    How to Pee on a Plane Without Being Disgusted

    The holidays are fast approaching, and many of us are about to fly for the first time in nearly two years. We could all use a refresher on air travel tips and tricks, like the right time to use the bathroom on an aeroplane, or how to eat on a plane without getting sick.