
  • There’s a Better Way to Vacuum

    There’s a Better Way to Vacuum

    If it seems like your carpets and rugs aren’t actually clean — or don’t stay clean for very long — after you vacuum, it’s probably because you’re doing it wrong. Short back-and-forth strokes in random directions may be easy, but they won’t pick up all of the dirt, dust bunnies, pet hair, crumbs, and other…

  • Avoid Distractions by Cleaning Your House in ‘Rounds’

    Avoid Distractions by Cleaning Your House in ‘Rounds’

    With spring cleaning season bearing down on us, we’ve been discussing a variety of “methods” that can help anyone clean up their home, even when you’re just not up for it, you can’t get past how overwhelming it is, or you are easily distracted. Another approach — the “rounds” method — is getting some attention…

  • Use a Rubber Mat As a Ramp for Your Robot Vacuum

    Use a Rubber Mat As a Ramp for Your Robot Vacuum

    Robot vacuums are handy and practical: With the right maintenance and care, they save you precious time, they’re easy to store and charge, and they’re much more practical than big push vacuums for people with limited storage space. For as great as they are, though, there are some flaws with robot vacuums too. For instance, they…

  • Schedule These Maintenance Tasks to Keep Your Robot Vacuum Running

    Schedule These Maintenance Tasks to Keep Your Robot Vacuum Running

    If you’re into practical gift-giving, robot vacuums are a slam dunk. Once they’re properly set up, they can take one of the worst time-sucking chores off your to-do list for good — or at least until they break. Thankfully, robot vacuum maintenance is fairly simple. Here’s everything you need to do to keep yours from…