types of food

  • Edible Things You Should Never Actually Eat

    Edible Things You Should Never Actually Eat

    When I was very (very) young, I ate an entire box of crayons in the hope of having multi-coloured poop. It did not work, but it did cause my mother a few hours of mild distress as she worried what might happen to me. The answer (disappointingly) was nothing. I didn’t extrude a rainbow, nor…

  • Make Crispy, Caramelised Brittle With Stale Pastries

    Make Crispy, Caramelised Brittle With Stale Pastries

    I was obsessed with Costco croissants as tween. My mum would buy huge plastic containers of them that my sisters and I would plow through in a few days. They were my favourite bread. Today, I am often tempted by similarly sized containers of all-butter croissants at the grocery store — the abundance is appealing…

  • Just Make One Giant Crouton

    Just Make One Giant Crouton

    I don’t know who invented the crouton, but they nailed it. Putting a bunch of bread onto a bunch of raw vegetables not only makes that pile of plant matter better tasting and more texturally interesting, it cuts down on bread waste, as the best croutons are made from stale bread.

  • You Can Fry an Egg in Your Air Fryer

    You Can Fry an Egg in Your Air Fryer

    “It doesn’t really fry anything.” How many times have we air-fryer-devotees had to listen to those words? How many times have we, with our hands ripping hair from our scalps, had to beg someone to look past the name, and approach the appliance with an open mind? Seemingly mentally strong men — men who are…