
  • You Can Remove That Stupid Doge Icon From Your Twitter Feed

    You Can Remove That Stupid Doge Icon From Your Twitter Feed

    Every day is a new thing with Twitter. Recently, the site lumped verified users and Twitter Blue users together so no one can tell them apart (at least not without an extension). And now Twitter replaced its iconic bird logo with, of all things, Doge. It’s stupid, and just another example of how far the…

  • Your Windows PC Has Hidden Themes

    Your Windows PC Has Hidden Themes

    Windows themes offer a unique mix of wallpapers, sounds, and colours to switch between. Many of them come by default, and there are more themes to download from the Windows Store. But you don’t need to look elsewhere to find more themes for your PC. Some of the best Windows themes are just hidden.

  • Does Hive’s Security Problem Make It Unsafe to Use?

    Does Hive’s Security Problem Make It Unsafe to Use?

    Hive Social recently shut down its servers after security researchers discovered severe security vulnerabilities that put users’ private data at risk. According to German cybersecurity firm Zerforschung, the flaw was serious enough that hackers could access all personal data for all 2 million-plus users, including names, email addresses, and phone numbers, as well as all…

  • The Best Firefox Extensions Everyone Should Use

    The Best Firefox Extensions Everyone Should Use

    If you use Firefox, you can make it a better browser by installing add-ons. Yes, that’s what Mozilla calls them — they’re talking about what everyone else knows as “extensions.” Whatever you call them, there are good ones out there that can help you do everything from improving your privacy to getting around restrictions you’ll…