
  • The Best Way to Clean Velvet

    The Best Way to Clean Velvet

    Whether you find velvet tacky or classic, you’ve probably noticed that the plush material has enjoyed a period of popularity over the past few years, adding softness to furniture and fabrics. But what happens when it’s time to take care of stains or spills, or tidy up your sofa? Here’s the best way to clean…

  • You Need to Clean Your Outdoor Umbrella

    You Need to Clean Your Outdoor Umbrella

    Spending time outdoors during the summer can be a challenge. On the one hand, it’s finally warm enough to be outside. But on the other hand, we know that longer periods of sun exposure isn’t great for our skin. And while we may remember to take all proper precautions — sunscreen, a hat, bringing plenty…

  • Never Dry These Clothing Items on High Heat

    Never Dry These Clothing Items on High Heat

    Even though I’ve been doing my own laundry for 20-odd years, and laundry is at minimum a thrice weekly household duty of mine, there are some — ok, a lot of — care instructions that I never bothered to learn. As long as my whites weren’t coming out grey or being shrunk to the size…