The Best Side Hustles With Little or No Start-Up Costs
You know the grind never stops; but how do you get the grind to start? In addition to my main job guiding you through the ins and outs of personal finance here at Lifehacker, I’m also hustling. Every year I can depend on additional money from humour writing, copy editing, voice-over work, and even a…
Use This Tool to Find Out Where You Can Work Remotely on Your Team’s Schedule
Now that many people who’ve had the option of working remotely during the pandemic are being called back into the office, it’s becoming increasingly clear that not all employers are on-board with the arrangement. Initially instituted to help prevent employees from contracting COVID-19, work-from-home policies began expiring once vaccines became widely available.
The One Question You Should Be Asking in Job Interviews Right Now
Despite the enduring pandemic, companies are luring workers back to the office, even as COVID-19 cases surge in parts of the country and vaccination efforts have largely stalled. Still, the whole transition back to the office after more than a year of working remotely is a big issue for anyone in the corporate world, and…
How to Make Your Work-From-Home Status Permanent
With COVID infection rates declining modestly across the world, the prospect of returning to our offices is inching closer to reality. After 11 months of living through a pandemic, you might feel uneasy about settling in to a confined space next to dozens of colleagues, and you’re not alone: a recent survey from the jobs…